Sunday, July 26, 2009

2010 Investment Priorities

The new EDA Investment Priorities for 2010 were released in January 2010 All applications for the new fiscal year must meet the Prioritiesand will be judged competitively on how well their project meets thesePriorities.
1.   Collaborative Regional Innovation
Initiatives that support the development and growth of innovation clusters based on existing regional competitive strengths. Initiatives must engage stakeholders; facilitate collaboration among urban, suburban and rural (including Tribal) areas; provide stability for economic development through long-term intergovernmental and public/private collaboration; and, support the growth of existing and emerging industries.
2.   Public/Private Partnerships
Investments that use both public and private sector resources and leverage complementary investments by other government/public entities and/or non-profits.
3.   National Strategic Priorities
Initiatives that encourage job growth and business expansion in clean energy; green technologies; sustainable manufacturing; information technology (e.g., broadband, smart grid) infrastructure; communities severely impacted by automotive industry restructuring; natural disaster mitigation and resiliency; access to capital for small and medium sized and ethnically diverse enterprises; and, innovations in science, health care and alternative fuel technologies.
4.   Global Competitiveness
Investments that support high-growth businesses and innovation-based entrepreneurs to expand and compete in global markets.
5.   Environmentally-Sustainable Development
Investments that encompass best practices in “environmentally sustainable development,” broadly defined, to include projects that enhance environmental quality and develop and implement green products, processes, and buildings as part of the green economy.
6.   Economically Distressed and UnderservedCommunities
Investments that strengthen diverse communities that have suffered disproportionate economic and job losses and/or are rebuilding to become more competitive in the global economy.

Have a question about your project or EDA investments? You can email ASKJill at

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