Sunday, February 27, 2011

Invitation to Conference Call with Obama Key Officials on the 2012 Budget "What Does it Mean for Innovators?"

Saturday, Feb 26, 2011 White House Hosts Regional Innovation Conference Call on FY 2012 Budget   Tuesday, March 1, 5:00 PM EST RSVP NOW at: CALL IN #: (866) 261-2650     You are invited to a briefing conference call with key members of the Obama administration to discuss what the budget holds for innovators and regional efforts. In his State of the Union Address, President Obama discussed the need to out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build our competitors in order to win the future.  We have since initiated several programs to accelerate and amplify the efforts of entrepreneurs, workers, business leaders, and other job creators across the country, and to connect this work through strategies for innovation including the Better Buildings Initiative, Innovation Hubs, and Startup America. Recently, President Obama proposed investments to strengthen these initiatives when he released his FY 2012 budget.  The budget provides a foundation for economic growth by funding programs like HubZones and Regional Innovation Clusters. Please feel free to share this invite. WHAT: White House Regional Innovation Update Call: The FY 2012 Budget WHEN: Tuesday, March 1, 2011, 5:00 PM Eastern Time      RSVP: CALL IN #: (866) 261-2650    SUBSCRIBE    FORWARD THIS TO A FRIEND   SENT TO JILLDOMINGUEZ@ESSERGY.NET   |   UNSUBSCRIBE   |   UPDATE PROFILE   |   FORWARD TO A FRIEND

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